Simple ways to make money Making money apart from being employed in a government parasttatal nowadays involves having a concrete Idea or ideas, putting more seriousness in it and possessing a consistent spirit. Luckily, there are some ways to make money without being broke and with less stress, both online and offline. There are basic investment tools, and savvy shopping strategies, you can make extra cash without doing much. Though some of these methods do take some work up front, they can set you up to earn passive income for the long term. Here are some ways to make money with minimum effort. Click or swipe to view the gallery. 1. Become a referral source for local businesses. A lot of small, local businesses - like landscapers, electricians, and home improvement companies - spread by word-of-mouth. Many of them pay referral fees for people to help spread a good word about their businesses. So the next time you have your plumber over, ask ...
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