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3.     MELCHIZEDEK                          Melchizedek blesses Abraham with gifts of Bread and Wine    CONTINUE FROM THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER In Genesis chapter 14 verses 18 to 20; Here, the Bible mentioned Melchizedek as the Priest of the Most High God and the King of Salem, who gave Abraham Bread and Wine and blesses him. In thanksgiving to God, Abraham gave Him one tenth of everything he has achived from the war. Now, lets look at the mystries behind this.          MYSTRIES .          Here, we know that God started His Kingdom with Abraham and He only told Moses to anoint Aron as His Priest (the first on earth) which took place after Abraham have died many years ago. Now the question is; who was this Man       called 'Melchizedek', that he, being the Priest of the Most High God? His offering of Bread and Wine to Abraham sym...

The Pre-existence of JESUS CHRIST on Earth beforehand

                      JESUS CHRIST, THE SAVIOUR OF LIFE The pre-existence of Jesus Christ, the true Son of the MOST HIGH has been recorded in the Holy Scripture according to records found in the Holy Bible. Now, lets look at what this is all about; The Bible is the book of Truth, the truth that has been hiddding from people of the World is in the Bible. The Bible is the book of Life , the life that the World cannot have is in the Bible, furthermore, the Words contained in the Bible is simply "SPIRIT". We have different types of spirits, but the one we are talking about here is the Holy, True and Eternal. Now, lets search the Scripture to proof our points: 1.     ABEL: In the book of Genesis chapter 4 verses 3 to 4, here, we read how Abel offered good and acceptable offering (Sacrifice) to God and his offering (Sacrifice) was pleased to God. In the same way, our LORD Jesus offered the Holy and Acceptable offering (S...