What Type of Friend/Friendship are You Keeping? What Friendship means to People are many, that is why one cannot do without a friend. Take note of this for it matters in life. MIA’s Innovation - Friendship image  -FRIENDSHIP- People all over the World are trying to get in-touch with others for one reason or the other. Some are trying to avoid others for one reason or the other. They have different reasons to clear their doubt or actions, however, whether they are trying to ‘keep clear’ or ‘get close’, one thing is certain; “THEY CANNOT DO WITHOUT FRIEND”. Read on: Make good friendship with your friends; Make good friendship with people around you or chose good friends to make good friendship. YES! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE! MY DEAR PEOPLE; Hold unto your friends and interact with your friends; Solicit for your friends, Solicit from your friends and do solicit with your friends. Be a friend in needs to your friends, be a fri...
Michael I. Andem's Innovative blogging site, powered by Google. My doors are open to all human being created by God; Whether they are masters, servants, rich, poor, tall, short, fat, thin, fair, dark does not matter'. They were created by God. You are all welcome to my blog, happy staying !