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Transgressions Regarding Prayerlessness

The sins of Prayerlessness.

Prayerlessness is a great Sin. We should learn how to be prayerful and stop being lazy in prayer or prayerlessness. Why? Because, God, our Creator says in His Holy Book that we should pray always without ceasing. You can see that in the following Bible verses: Luke 21:36, Ephesians 6:18, Philippians 4:6 - Good News Bible ( GNB ).

It is a command from God that we should pray always without ceasing. When we stop praying, we sin against God and our fellow beings. When we pray; we obey God and assist our fellow beings.

WHAT DO WE MEAN BY "PRAYERLESSNESS" - Prayerlessness is an act of living the life carelessly without praying effectively, or paying very little attention to prayer, puting on a weak lifestyles - going about doing things without remembering God as first priority in life and as the Author and Finisher of our Faith. {Prayerless life}.

WHAT IS PRAYER? - Prayer in its simplest definition, is to communicate with God for the sake of Honouring Him and helping life.

IMPORTANT OF PRAYER: Since God is Spirit and we cannot see Him physically, the only way to approuch Him is through prayer. By prayer we communicate with God and obtain what we want from Him . We ask and the answers come to us. We also pray to help others free from their afflictions, and living rightly. ( John 4:24, Luke 11:9-10, Acts 12:5).


Prayer makes you to activate what you already have in spiritual realm to come to you physically.

Prayer is the vehicle that conveys you from the physical world to the spiritual world; its Driver is the Spirit.

The words that we speak are spirit; even if we are no more on earth, our words still live on. 

If you don't pray to God, you will become a prey to satan.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Andem

(Scripture to read: Daniel 6:1-11)
The key-verse of this study is 1 Samuel 12:23. Did you know that prayerlessness is a sin? We say that it is unfortunate that we do not pray more; we admit our prayer life is weak and ineffective; but in actual fact we sin when we do not pray. Ask yourself, How much do I pray? or How little do I pray?


1. It is a sin not to pray because the Bible expressly calls it a sin. 1 Samuel 12:23 tells us this, and not to pray is to commit sin because the Bible, which is inspired, says it is.

2. It is a sin not to pray because it is right to pray. Read Luke 18:1 and then compare 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Ephesians 6:18. If it is right and necessary to pray, it is wrong not to (James 4:17). There are two kinds of sin, sins of commission and sins of omission.

3. It is a sin not to pray because when a Christian does not pray it is a reproach to God (Romans 14:23). It is pure unbelief not to pray (Hebrews 11:6). What a reproach it is to a father when a child does not trust him! Unbelief is a besetting sin which we are to lay aside and we must “fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:1-2).

4. It is a sin not to pray because of all the encouragements that are given to us to pray. The Bible urges us to pray. God gives us promises, examples of men and women who have prayed and who have received answers to their prayers, and in addition to this we have a great Partner in prayer (Romans 8:26). Then, we have our own personal experiences of prayer to encourage us and still further we have the testimonies of others. If we do not pray we are left without excuse!

5. It is a sin not to pray because of all that prayer can accomplish. Go through your Bible and make a list of things recorded there that happened in answer to prayer. Because prayer can accomplish so much it is a sin not to pray, for by not praying we are damming up the channels through which mighty blessings could and should be flowing. When we do not pray we deprive the world, the Church and our own lives of blessing.

6. It is a sin not to pray because prayerlessness leaves the door open for all other sins (Matthew 6:13; 26:41; Luke 22:40). It was John Bunyan who said, ‘Prayer will make a man cease from sin, as sin will entice a man to cease from prayer’. Someone else has said, ‘For the Christian, prayerlessness is identical with backsliding.’ What are the sins that are defeating us? Would it be true to say that the main reason for our failure to get victory over these sins is our lack of prayer?

7. It is a sin not to pray because the root cause of all our deficiency and lack of spirituality is just this. Why are we so weak, anaemic and ineffective in our Christian living and service? Why is the Church powerless? Why is there so much effort with so few results? Is it not that God’s people are neglecting the great privilege and responsibility of prayer?


1. When we do not pray we sin against God. Notice in 1 Samuel 12:23 – “…against the Lord.” Of course all sin is against the Lord; we cannot sin and not sin against God – see Psalm 51:4 and Luke 15:21. Prayerlessness is a sin against God because it hinders His purposes and prevents Him from accomplishing His mighty works. Some things can only happen by prayer, and when we do not pray these things do not happen!

2. When we do not pray we sin against others. Notice in 1 Samuel 12:23 “…for you.” We live in a world which is filled with men and women who are spiritually and morally broken and bleeding. By prayer we can secure the healing touch of the Great Physician for the suffering ones around us. Not to pray for them is to deprive them of His healing, and therefore by not praying for our fellow-men we sin against them.


1. _When you are Alone, Mind your Thoughts._

2. _When you are with Friends, Mind your Tongue._

3. _When you are Angry, Mind your Temper._

4. _When you are with a Group, Mind your Behavior._

5. _When you are in Trouble, Mind your Emotions._

6. _When God starts blessing you, Mind your Ego._

*Powerful one minute Prayer*

This prayer takes about one minute! Pray it sincerely, and then those you send it to, will pray for you!

Prayer by Bishop T.D. Jakes

"When you are DOWN to nothing ..God is UP to something"
Father, in the Name of Jesus, bless me even while I'm reading this prayer and bless the one that sent this to me in a special way. Open supernatural doors in our lives today. Save and set free! Give us a double portion of your Spirit as we take back everything that the Devil has stolen:
Emotional Health, Physical Health, Finances,
Relationships, Children, Jobs, Homes, Marriages.
I cancel every plot, plan and scheme the enemy has devised against us in the MATCHLESS NAME OF JESUS.
And I declare:
I speak LIFE into every dead situation. And, I thank you that nothing is over until YOU say it's over! I speak prophetically into our lives and to our situations:
Our households are blessed;
Our health is blessed;
Our marriages are blessed;
Our finances are blessed;
Our business are blessed;
Our jobs are blessed;
Our children are blessed;
Our grandchildren are blessed;
Our parents are blessed;
Our siblings are blessed;
Our ministries are blessed;
and, Our decisions are blessed.
Husbands are on the way; Wives are on the way;
Mortgages are paid and debts cancelled;
Our hearts' desires are on the way; according to
YOUR perfect will and plan for our lives.

Pray this prayer, then send it to EVERYBODY YOU KNOW
Within hours countless people will have prayed for you, and you will have caused a multitude of people to pray to God for each other.
--- Please pass this prayer on and stay blessed.


3 things in life that never come back when gone:


3 things in life that should never be lost:


3 things in life that are most valuable:


3 things that make a person:


3 things that can destroy a person:


3 things in life that are constant:

3 people who love you and who will never leave you alone:

-  Attitude
-  Prayer

I also asked God for these three things:

- To bless you
- To guide you
☔- To ALWAYS protect you.

* ** I send you this because GOD cares for You. Please refrain from being PRAYERLESSNESS and be EFFECTIVE in Prayer. Be kind to like and share to people whom you want God to Bless, with these three things.

Don't just read, share it with others you care for. Thank You and God bless You.


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